CSR- Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

In addition to a strict compliance system, the company has long valued CSR and sound corporate governance. The Company had established several social obligations since its inception.

As a result, we also appreciate the government’s initiative in establishing the CSR framework. The CSR Policy was created in accordance with section 135 of the Companies Act 2013 (referred to as the Companies Act in this policy) on CSR as well as the CSR Rules (referred to as the Rules in this policy) announced by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

The company firmly believes that corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability are intertwined and acknowledges that its business operations have a significant influence on the communities in which it works.

We consider it to be our corporate responsibility to embrace growth that is both socially and ecologically responsible and to take into account the interests of all pertinent stakeholders. As a result, while conducting business, the Company also considers social and environmental concerns in addition to financial criteria.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy