


Livaquid is a special amino acid solution formulated for parenteral administration containing highest concentration of Branched Amino Acids (Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine). Alterations in BCAA metabolism are common in a number of disease states and the BCAA have therapeutic potential due to their proven protein anabolic effects.


Product Variants & Features

Product Strength Presentation Features/Benefits
Livaquid 8% Amino Acid 250 ml in Glass bottle
  • 42% BCAA
  • Proven protein anabolic effects
  • Helps to maintain Glutamate-Glutamine level and Improves immunity & improves outcome

Dosage: 1.5g Amino Acid/ Kg BW/ Day

Infusion rate: 1.0 to 1.25 ml/ Kg BW/ Hour equivalent to 0.08 to 0.1 g Amino Acid/ Kg BW/ Hour

Route of Administration: Peripheral

Composition/ 250 ml Amino Acid Total Nitrogen Osmolarity Total Energy
20g (8.4g BCAA) 3.2 g 770 mOsmol/L 80 Kcal

Compatible with Amino Acid Solution/ Dextrose solution/ Normal Saline/ Ringer Lactate solution/ Triple chamber bags containing Amino Acid, Glucose & Lipids