Novimeal 2.0



Livaquid is a 200 ml clear drink enriched with BCAA (Branched chain amino acids – Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine) with CaHMB available in Lemon flavour. Alterations in BCAA metabolism are common in a number of disease states and the BCAA have therapeutic potential due to their proven protein anabolic effects.

Suggested Use

Malnourished adult patient with special requirement of essential amino acids (BCAA)

Nutritional supplement in Major surgeries, GI diseases, trauma, sepsis, burns, SIRS, cancer and cachexia.


Product Variants & Features

Name Ingredients Unique Features Vol. and Container Flavor
Livaquid L-leucine 2500mg
L-isoleucine 1250mg
L-valine 1250mg
L-glutamine 1000mg
L-arginine 1000mg
(HMB 3g and Vit. B6 and B12)
- 50% Leucine
- Enriched with CaHMB, Omega-3 fatty acid, Arginine, Glutamine
- Fortified with Vit B6 and B12
200 ml Bottle Lemon


Directions of use:

Ready to consume BCAA clear drink, does not require further dilution. LIVAQUID is suitable for both oral feeding and enteral tube feeding

Recommended Usage:

  • 2-3 servings per day in oral diet or in enteral tube feeding or as directed by the nutritionist/clinician
  • Can be given as trophic or starter feeds after enteral feeds/diet is re-initiated in hospitalized patients.  
  • Not indicated in: Maple syrup disease and urea cycle disorders