



Novimmune is an amino acid solution for parenteral nutrition containing dipeptide alanyl-glutamine. Glutamine is conditionally essential amino acid for use in highly catabolic patients. Glutamine forms 60% of free amino acid pool in the muscles and should be administered as part of amino acid supplementation in parental nutrition



Product Variants & Features

Product Strength Presentation Features
Novimmune L – Alanyl L- Glutamine Inj. 20% w/v 50 ml and 100 ml in Glass bottle Offers immunomodulatory, anticatabolic/anabolic, gut mucosal barrier-protective and antioxidant actions.
  • Most effective as an immune Enhancer
  • Helps improving the gut function
  • Reduces infectious complications
  • Reduces length of hospital stay
  • Improves nitrogen balance
  • Rapid wound healing and ensures faster recovery

Novimmune is administered parallel with parenteral nutrition or enteral nutrition or a combination of both.

Dosage: ESPEN Guideline recommend – Parenteral amino acid should contain 0.2 – 0.4 g/kg/day of L-glutamine (e.g. 0.3 – 0.6 g/kg/day alanyl – glutamine dipeptide)

Infusion rate: Rate of infusion should not exceed 0.1g amino acids/kg body wt./hr

ADMINISTRATION: Solution for infusion after mixture with a compatible infusion solution

Composition/100ml Amino Acid Total Nitrogen Osmolarity Total Energy
20 g 3.2 g 921 mOsmol/L 80 Kcal

Compatible with Amino Acid Solution/ Dextrose solution/ Normal Saline/ Ringer Lactate solution/ Triple chamber bags containing Amino Acid, Glucose & Lipids