



Novitamine 10 plus is Nutritive solution which should be utilized in all type of critically ill patients admitted in ICU or hospital ward. Novitamine solution is an integral part of TPN therapy, which could be used in combination with glucose or lipids as required.



Product Variants & Features

Product Strength Presentation Features
Novitamine 10 plus 10% Amino acids with Electrolytes 500 ml in Glass bottle Essential fluid with Nutritive value: Contains all EAA and NEAA; Available with BCAA – 18%
Nutritive solution of 500 ml with Electrolytes – Na, K, Mg: Better fluid management for all kind of patients (ICU/ward); Correct electrolytes depletion
Nutritive solution with 20 AA: To supply amino acids as part of a composite admixture of total parenteral nutrition

Dosage: Recommended daily dosage: 1.0 to 2.0 g of amino acids per kg body weight ~ 20-30 ml of Amino Acids (10 % w/v) Injection per kg BW.

Infusion rate: 3 to 4 ml per Minute; Dosage should be adjusted according to amino acid requirements depending on age, condition and body weight of patients.

Composition/ Lit Amino Acid Electrolytes Total Nitrogen Osmolarity Total Energy
100 g Yes 16 g 1040 mOsmol/L 400 Kcal